Spiritual Awakening
Never would I have thought that I would be mixing herbs and combining crystals based off of healing energies…but the Universe did.
This passion, and soul, journey started two years ago but my interest in the magic of nature has always been there. I see now that it was a seed planted by Spirit, watered by my experiences, and has grown into a spiritual awakening.
I first fell down the rabbit hole when I started learning about crystals and their healing energy. I loved all of the knowledge and could not get enough. However, in all honesty, it was still hard for me to bridge the gap between “logic” and “magic”. Obviously I had some out dated belief systems to work through but that’s a conversation for another day. In one of the many crystal books that I was reading there was a section on herbs, and that was when the flood gates opened! At that time, herbs became the perfect combination of logic and the magic that I had been looking for.
It was a slow burn. No, I take that back. It was a spiritual awakening, as I mentioned earlier, and it has been challenging. It has been a lesson in setting boundaries, surrender, self discovery, and self love.
Healing Energies
Empath. Healer. Chakras. These are just a few of my new favorite words. While exploring these words and accepting what they meant for me and my new journey, I started researching and learning more about herbs, their dispensing modalities, and how they work with our bodies both physically and spiritually. I was hooked. I am hooked.
Like crystals, each herb has its own magical healing energy. Not only do herbs heal our bodies physically but they possess a natural grounding energy that connects us with nature, with the earth, with Spirit. The more that I surrendered to prioritizing my herbal passion, the more Spirit impressed upon me combinations for physical and spiritual healing. Some of these combinations applied to crystals as well. These blend downloads would pop up in conversations, songs, and card pulls. Choosing the herbs has evolved from intense, long research to releasing control and going with Spirit’s guidance, after all, it was Spirit that inspired the need for the blend in the first place.
Ultimately, my vision and goal is to aid you with self-healing through the power and magic of herbs and crystals. And for myself, I want to maximize my own magic and ancestral healing heritage while connecting to the Divine, to Gaia, to be her vessel for channeling healing energy for the spiritual body/soul and the physical body. This vision is very personal, but I feel the need to share it with you just as I want to share my crystals and herbs with you.
I look forward to continuing my journey down this beautiful, magical rabbit hole…and I hope that you will join me!!!